Orlando, FL

June to July 2023

When Brightline launched new train service between Orlando and Miami in 2023, it sparked a conversation about the full range of transit options in the Orlando area. The Orlando MOVE Roundtable focused on this question: “How can we ensure older adults can successfully use transit options?

Mpact:LAB, working with AARP and local stakeholders, facilitated a six-week MOVE Roundtable for stakeholders to examine the question through the lenses of Mobility, Opportunity, Voice and Equity. In addition to identifying and assessing transportation options, the group sought to build stronger connections among stakeholders that might in turn lead to stronger connections on the ground.

With a mixture of learning, activities and discussion, the Roundtable supported stakeholders’ exploration of transit service, tactics for helping older adults ride, safety and ways to communicate about transit to a general audience. Stakeholders developed together a sense of the system and specific challenges to address. The experience of working through the question from multiple angles left them equipped with ideas and eager to continue working together.

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