Episode 45: No More Transit Hunger Games

On this episode of the Rail~Volution Podcast, Kevin Corbett, President and CEO of NJ TRANSIT, talks with WSP’s Dan Baer about the turn-around at NJ TRANSIT, a process Corbett compares to “getting out of the transit hunger games.” 

Ep 45

When Kevin Corbett came on board in early 2018 he faced challenges familiar to many transit agencies: lack of funding, pressure to use capital funds for operating and an aging fleet. NJ TRANSIT also faced a backlog of capital projects, many arising from the extreme weather event Superstorm Sandy. Corbett describes the crucial support he received from New Jersey’s governor to tackle the problems and get NJ TRANSIT set for a strong future and the economy of New Jersey along with it.

Corbett came to NJ TRANSIT as an executive leader in the public and private sectors with a background in logistics, transportation and large-scale capital project management. He led the development of NJ TRANSIT’s first ever 10-year strategic plan and  5-year rolling capital plan covering bus, rail, light rail, paratransit services and more. The plan allows the agency to measure progress and prioritize initiatives and projects. It is flexible enough to adapt to evolving conditions, including the significant impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Corbett compares this moment for transit to aviation between 1910 and 1940: transit similarly needs dramatic investment to make infrastructure resilient, improve air quality and allow all people to reach their potential. Corbett and Baer discuss a range of projects, from river crossings to the Hoboken terminal restoration, from a state of the art bus garage to a bus system redesign beginning in Newark, from new templates for transit-oriented development to a workforce that reflects the state’s demographics. Even with the changes due to COVID, Corbett says, “We will be back because we’re so densely populated. Riders will be back. We are fully prepared to welcome them back.” 

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