Beth Holbrook
A Trustee of the Utah Transit Authority, Beth Holbrook believes transit provides greatest benefit by being a valued economic development partner with all communities.
Trustee, Utah Transit Authority
Salt Lake City, UT
Beth Holbrook, a Trustee of the Utah Transit Authority (UTA), also is Chair of ULI Utah and a member of the Executive Board of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), where she chairs the Transit Board Member’s Legislative Committee.
Appointed as a Trustee of UTA by the Governor of Utah in 2018, Holbrook strives to support state legislation focused on strategic development around transit stops as well as community input on Station Area Planning, both critical to addressing growth in Utah. Holbrook believes transit provides greatest benefit by being a valued economic development partner with all communities. She looks for ways to maximize transit service as a strategic infrastructure investment, including through transit-oriented development (TOD).
A former President of the Utah League of Cities and Towns (ULCT), Holbrook began her career in the financial sector, established a real estate firm, returned to the financial sector working in business development and has worked with the Public Sector for a private company. She was first elected to the Bountiful City Council in 2007 and has served on several boards including the Bountiful Power Commission, Planning Commission and the Utility Facility Review Board with the Public Service Commission.
Since being appointed to the UTA Board of Trustees, Trustee Holbrook has worked to increase community engagement throughout Davis, Weber, and Box Elder Counties. Her service on other local boards and committees includes the Governor-appointed Commission on Affordable Housing, the Utah Association of Special Districts (UASD), EDCUtah, Envision Utah, and as Chair of the Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund (OWHLF).