Our Work

Our Priorities

We support a network of practitioners, leaders and advocates dedicated to leveraging transit, mobility and development investments to create great places to live – for all people.

Our priorities within this work are to share innovative approaches to serving the full community, fostering resilience and sustainability, and advancing transit-oriented communities. 

A bus in traffic
A woman walking near a city

Reaching All Communities

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Kids playing in outdoor water features

Achieving Resilience

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A busy street corner

Transit-Oriented Communities

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People waiting for bus

Our Topics

We focus on the whole community built around transit and multimodal investments, from housing to business and economic development, including the implications for health, safety, sustainability, access to opportunity and overall quality of life for all parts of the community.

Topics of sustained focus include:

  • Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and building Transit-Oriented Communities (TOC)
  • Transit and multimodal corridors, including policies, planning, design, engineering and implementation of different transit modes (from rail to BRT to bus systems) as well as station design, mobility hubs and street design.
  • Community Engagement and Placemaking
  • Technology, Data and other systems underpinning connected communities

Browse the website (or use Search) to see topics considered at our annual conference, in our work with local groups and through our year-round learning.

Stacks of white dots


We convene, support and build a diverse network of stakeholders who share – and shape – the vision for building more livable and vibrant communities - for all - through transit, mobility and development.

Transit + Community

Through our annual Mpact Transit + Community Conference, we facilitate the ability of people in the network to openly share challenges, diversities of lived experience and innovative approaches.


Through Mpact:LAB, we inspire leadership at every level, fostering collaboration across sectors and across scales.


Through Mpact:VOICES we share examples of the ways people in our network prioritize community as they deliver top-notch projects.

As an organization and a network, we constantly refine and seek to improve the approach to building more just and resilient transit-oriented communities.

We make the case that transit, connected mobility options and coordinated development can deliver more a just and resilient future for cities and regions – and the best quality of life for the people who live there.

Our Network

Our network reflects the holistic approach we take to building more livable, just and sustainable communities around transit investments. The network includes people working across sectors and at different levels of authority, because we believe that the best solutions come from listening and building on the contributions from diverse voices.

Transportation and multimodal planners, designers and engineers; Mobility and technology innovators; Affordable housing and community and economic development professionals; Government and agency leaders and staff; Community-based organizations and advocacy groups; Developers and financial institutions; Elected officials; Business and community leaders; Health, climate mitigation and resiliency, sustainability, and disability advocates and leaders.

A bus in traffic

What We Ask of Our Network

Put People First
Push The Envelope
Design For Win-Win-Wins
Embrace Divergent Views
Be Bold, Well-informed Leaders
Create A Bigger Table

What Does Success Look Like?

Success comes through collaboration among diverse stakeholders willing to center the community’s vision. It comes from coordinating transit, mobility, land use and development. Success is visible in the way specific communities have been built and in constantly identifying barriers, finding ways to address them, then having those innovations become widely known and mainstream.

Follow the links below for a sampling of stories of success:
  • All
  • Blog
  • Podcast
People laughing as they exit a train
| July 15, 2021

Evolving TOD to Equitable Transit Oriented-Development

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A train at a stop
| May 18, 2022

Communicating to a Changing Rider Base

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woman walking toward transit station with colorful artwork. Credit: MARTA
| October 7, 2021

Episode 48: Bringing Joy With Transit And TOD

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| January 6, 2022

Episode 51: A Grassroots Bus Network Redesign

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