TOD Practitioners Forum
Are you a transit-oriented development (TOD) manager at a transit agency? Or a city or regional staffer tasked with making TOD happen? Maybe you work for a redevelopment authority or other financing entity or in affordable housing. Whatever the case, get together with people like yourself and dive into discussion. Your voice will be heard, including what you care about, what you’re struggling with and where you’ve found creative solutions. A couple of questions to get you thinking: What is effective continuing control in a lease document? What are the rules for a transit agency confronted by a developer that would like to avail themselves of credit programs like TIFIA or RRIF? In this peer exchange, we’ll decode terminology and get real about the work.
Facilitator: Chessy Brady, AICP, Transit-Oriented Development Manager, Regional Transportation District (RTD), Denver, CO
Facilitator: Kenny Starr, AICP, Manager, Joint Real Estate Development, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA), Philadelphia, PA