Improving Bus Stops: First impressions to Lasting Appeal
Topics: ADA, Bus Stops, 2024 Conference, Bus, Equity, Transit Riders
Tags: 2024 Conference
Bus riders are the most loyal and reliable customers for transit. And the bus stop is the front door, the first impression. Recognizing this, agencies around the country are focusing more intently on the bus stop experience. Hear about the factors that go into developing and prioritizing investments for bus stops, from Americans with Disability Act (ADA) compliance to social equity and more. Learn how to navigate the complicated environment around who owns and maintains stops and the keys to ensuring successful coordination between cities, transit agencies, advertising agencies and private property owners. Hop on board to understand what leads to lasting appeal.
Moderator: Carl Green Jr., Director, Civil Rights Division, Regional Transportation District (RTD), Denver, CO
Corentin Auguin, Manager of Special Projects & Analysis, Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), Atlanta, GA
Sara Moulton, Transit Planner, Regional Metropolitan Transit Authority of Omaha (METRO), Omaha, NE
Lance Oishi, Contract Administrator, Bureau of Street Services, City of Los Angeles, California, Los Angeles, CA