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A Real Seat at the Table for Equity and Environmental Justice: The Link21 Standard

Monday Oct 21, 2024
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Mpact Transit + Community 2024

The tenets around Environmental Justice and equity are converging, and one project shows just how much. Link21 is a proposed new train crossing between Oakland and San Francisco that would transform the regional rail system and unlock better travel possibilities across the 21-county Northern California Megaregion. LINK21 sets a new standard for engaging diverse communities about equitable mobility and transit-oriented development, including concerns about displacement. The secret? Seats at the decision-making table. The program mobilized an Equity Advisory Council with 18 members who collectively represent the region’s diversity. Learn firsthand the methods Link21 has taken to engage their communities and bring them into the heart of decison-making.

Moderator: Cathy LaFata, Transportation Equity Director, HDR, Inc., Portsmouth, NH
Tim Lohrentz, Equity Programs Administrator, San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART), San Francisco, CA
Frank Ponciano, Director, Strategy & Technology Lead, Winter Consulting, Oakland, CA

Monday sessions

Continuing Education

AICP CM: 1.0

Featured Speakers

Frank Ponciano

Director, Strategy & Technology Lead, Winter Consulting
Oakland, CA

Tim Lohrentz

Equity Programs Administrator, San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART)
San Francisco, CA

Cathy LaFata

AICP CTP, Transportation Equity Director, HDR, Inc.
Portsmouth, NH

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