Sasha Page

Principal, Rebel
Washington, DC

Mr. Sasha Page is a Principal at Rebel in Washington, D.C. with over two decades of experience advising on infrastructure finance, project development, and public-private partnerships (P3) for bus rapid transit, rail transit, and other transportation facilities. He served as a financial advisor for several transit transactions involving P3s, innovative finance, and value capture (joint development, tax increment finance, and special assessment districts) including advising on the US DOT TIFIA $500M US36 BRT/managed toll lanes in Colorado; the Montgomery County, MD funding and delivery of $1.4B of BRT lines; the City of Homestead procurement for two sites near the South Dade Transitway; and the Phoenix, AZ $200M value capture and P3 BRT corridor project analysis. He was a member of the American Public Transportation Association task force updating BRT standards, including on stations, and was co-author of the Value Capture Financing Guide for Public Transportation Projects and Value Capture Implementation Manual, guides for public agencies on optimizing real estate value capture.

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Building the Capital Stack: Leveraging Dollars for Complete Communities

Monday Oct 21, 2024
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
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