Ashley Bella

Chief Executive Officer, ArtzyBella, absATL
Atlanta, GA

As a Creative Placemaker and Social Entrepreneur deeply entrenched in the intersection of art, technology, and mental health, my expertise lies in leveraging these domains to address socio-economic challenges and enhance community well-being. With a Master’s in Developmental Psychology and extensive experience working with vulnerable populations through my social enterprises, I’ve pioneered innovative solutions that bridge the gap between art, business, and community development. I am passionate about using placemaking to bring unity across residents in communities who would otherwise remain comfortable inside of isolated bubbles, creating a strong art and culture scene in blossoming areas, and helping to drive funding and opportunities for other artists.

Featured Sessions
Graphic for Wednesday sessions at Mpact Transit + Community 2024

Creative Placekeeping: How Art Supercharges Community Engagement

Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
8:30 am to 10:00 am
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