About the Mpact Innovators
The Mpact Innovators are a national networking group associated with the Mpact Transit + Community conference. They were formed to make the conference more accessible, engaging, and meaningful for emerging professionals and those new to transit, mobility and development.
Mpact Innovators provide networking and learning opportunities, share innovative new approaches and help develop new leaders. The goal is to make the Mpact Transit + Community conference a stronger resource hub and network for the movement to build just and sustainable communities around transit.
The Mpact Innovators organize
- Idea Exchanges
- Walking Tours
- The Mpact PK Slam (Tuesday night).
And that's not all. Mpact Innovators also host informal welcome out on the town the Saturday before our annual transit and community development conference opens. Mpact Innovators are always considering new things.
Check out the PK Slam!
The PK Slam, powered by PechaKucha™, is a highlight of the annual conference. Each speaker gets 20 slides and 20 seconds for each. It’s one of the most pointed and funny evenings you’ll ever enjoy at a conference. This video gives you a taste.
Check out PK Slam videos on our YouTube channel. Also see PK Slam videos from past conferences, when the Mpact Transit + Community Conference was known as Rail~Volution.
Get Involved
If you are interested in being involved in planning Mpact Innovator events for the annual Mpact Transit + Community Conference, please contact Trinity Ek at trinitye@mpactmobility.org