MOVE Roundtable
Milwaukee County, WI
Milwaukee’s first bus-rapid transit (BRT) line is under construction. The city’s 27th Street corridor is likely to be the second. Stakeholders from along the corridor explored transit options, transit-oriented development, place-making and transit equity.
The 27th street corridor, which runs from the North Side through downtown and into the South Suburbs, encompasses a very diverse stretch of neighborhoods. The Milwaukee MOVE Roundtable convened a group of representatives from different communities along the corridor, representing a broad swath of interests, geographies, and identities.
Participants brought significant expertise about their own communities, but were largely unfamiliar with transit and corridor planning. Many reported being transit-dependent during significant phases of their lives. The group recognized a window of opportunity for stakeholders along the corridor to start seeing big – to envision a corridor transformed not only by better transit service, but by a new level of investment in service to the people and places along the route.